Fabian Stroth
Byzantinische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte Telefon: (0)6221-54 36 80 |
Die Monogramm-Kapitelle der Hagia Sophia. Das frühbyzantinische Kapitell als Textträger
Hagia Sophia, the impressive main church of Constantinople founded by Justinian lacks a monumental dedicatory epigram. Instead, capital monograms function to represent the donors. The monograms can be found on almost every capital of the building and have been deciphered as names and title of the emperor and empress IOVCTINIANOV// BACILEωC and ΘEOΔωPAC//AVΓOVCTAC. Despite the outstanding importance of the building for the field of Byzantine Archaeology the 68 monogrammed capitals never have been taken serious as an in situ ensemble.
The omnipresence of the monogrammed capitals all over the building as well as focusing the text to only four words and inflecting them to genitive cases, evokes a culmination of contextual meaning. Aim of the project is to re-evaluate the monogramed capitals as text carrier that generate a stable link of discourse and medium, so that both levels actively reinforce each other.
Byzantinische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte
Marstallhof 4,
69117 Heidelberg
Büro: Marstallstraße 6, Raum 109
Zur Person
- seit September 2011 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Teilprojekt A01
- 2010 Erwerb des Magister Artium an der Georg-August-Universität in Göttingen
- 2004-2010 Studium der Christlichen Archäologie und Byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte sowie der Kunstgeschichte in Göttingen und Venedig
„The capital monograms in St. Sophia: Metamediality and the production of euergetic presence“, The Materiality of Text - placement, perception, presence (International Conference ) University of Durham (Sep 24-26, 2012)
„Monogramed capitals in Hagia Sophia“, Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology and Art Seminar, Oxford Universty, St. John’s College (May 30, 2013)
„Schrift-Builder – Steinmetzen als Schreiber am Beispiel der Monogramm-Kapitelle in der Hagia Sophia“ Writing Matters: Presenting and Perceiving Monumental Texts in Ancient Mediterranean Cultures (International Conference) Heidelberg, IWH (Oct 11, 2013)
„The Monogramed Capitals of Hagia Sophia: The Church as Material-Map of the Empire“, Property and Power in Late Antiquity (International Conference) New York City (Jun 11-14, 2014)